The Comics

Hey, who doesn't love comics? Not me! No, I don't not love comics. Um. Here are some of my favourite web comics.

PhD Comics is about grad.students who seem to have a problem finishing their theses. (Want to know how to drive a grad.student insane? Ask her if she's finished her thesis yet. Hee!) Even if you're not a grad.student, it's still pretty funny, poking fun at all kinds of academic matters. (This one made me LOL.) There are 3 comics per week (Mon/Wed/Fri).

xkcd isn't an abbreviation or acronym--it's just the title of a webcomic, aimed at people who have the ability to think. This rules out a lot of people who just won't "get it." Some gags require knowledge of science. Gasp! Conveniently comes out 2 times per week (Tues/Thurs).

Lab Bratz isn't just for lab ratz (er, rats). Has gags on academia, but doesn't require a degree to get the joke. Only 1 per month.

Do you have any favourite web comics? (To A.K.: Yes, I know about Salad Fingers, which is technically a cartoon. And yes, I read your blog!)

Why aren't you studying?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Another sort of science-related, but not really webcomic is Girl Genius. Its sort of a steampunk magic + engineers thing going on. I enjoy it, even though it doesn't update nearly often enough.

Anastasia said...


I'm a fan of both PhD Comics and xkcd. I also love SMBC, which is updated everyday. (Some of it might not always be PG-13 though...but it's not too bad.)

Karsten A. Loepelmann said...

@Wess & @Anastasia: Thanks for the recommendations--I'll check them out!

Anastasia said...

Speaking of SMBC, I thought this was funny and totally applies to what we were just looking at in class:

Karsten A. Loepelmann said...

Heh, yeah. I like this joke: "When I die, I want to die in my sleep like my grandpa. Not screaming in terror like the passengers on his plane."

Anastasia said...

Me too!

Anastasia said...

I know this is an old post, but I had to share the awesomeness of this awesome one I recently found:

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