The Introduction

So, why write a blog? (It's not because I've got too much free time--honest.) It's because I love DVDs. Let me explain.

I often wish I could get together with students less formally. Like sitting and having a coffee in HUB mall together. Yeah, that's (probably) not going to happen. So maybe instead I could write about some stuff in a blog. A lot of things in education are going virtual, why not talking to your prof?

That brings me to DVDs. I love DVDs that have behind-the-scenes stuff: deleted scenes, director's commentaries (except for directors who don't do commentaries--yeah, I'm lookin' at you Spielberg), camcorder footage of the shoot. You get to find out what was on the creators' minds, and maybe gain new insights. That's pretty cool.

So I'd like to make this blog a behind-the-scenes approach to the teaching of psychology. But not just that. I also want to give tips to my students (and anyone else who reads this) about how to study better, based on what we know from psychology.

Finally, I want this to be a conversation. I'd love for students to respond to what I've written, asking questions, offering suggestions, criticisms, whatever. You can post anonymously if you wish, it doesn't matter to me. I'm not going to track you down and drop your grade a notch if you offer me some valid criticism.

I'll post on an irregular schedule. Not too many, or too long. Hey, we all have other things to do, right? I hear there's a new DVD of The Breakfast Club that's got a new retrospective documentary... Anyway, why are you reading this?

Why aren't you studying?

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