Suicide Prevention - Getting Help

There were a lot of absences from my most recent exams. Mostly people were sick, although someone did admit to sleeping in (although that was a result of a different problem). So I had to deal with a lot of emails, explaining over and over again exactly what the procedure is when you miss an exam--even though the syllabus has all of that information there. It got to the point where, out of frustration, I just stopped checking my email over the weekend.

When I went back to my email, there were almost two dozen more messages to slog through. One of them, however, was different. It was from the parent of one of my students, explaining how their child had tried to commit suicide. It was quite a sinking feeling to read this email, even though the person didn't succeed. I want to raise awareness about the issue, and the resources that are available to help.

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Anonymous said...

Dr. Loepelmann I read your blog regularly. I think it's great that you're raising awareness about this issue. It's nice to know profs care. As a student at U of A, I see the effects of mental health amongst my peers. It's scary. A lot of people hear about student suicide and dismiss it. There needs to be more awareness of the presence of suicide and mental health issues to reduce the stigma and create space for productive dialogue. Thank you for doing your part and raising awareness.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you. There are always warning signs. Some people don't notice them, others don't want to.

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